Jessie Allegretti
By Jessie Allegretti,
Director, Senior Recruiter

Feeling the Impact of Ageism Throughout Every Career Stage

Age Discrimination Concept Too Old Too Young.

Ageism is a challenging topic that many people tend to avoid, yet it is a sentiment felt by many, especially in the workplace. Like any narrative, there are multiple perspectives on this issue. In this discussion, we explore various viewpoints on ageism and its impact on today's workforce through conversations with individuals who have experienced it firsthand.

Meet Jill, a 53-year-old Marketing Consultant, who, despite a impressive career, finds herself grappling with a sense of unease when interacting with younger colleagues. Jill articulates a recurring experience of being spoken to in a condescending manner, with younger peers questioning her capabilities due to her age. This sentiment resonates with many professionals over the age of 35, revealing a broader pattern of skepticism towards the expertise of seasoned workers. What often goes unnoticed is the rich reservoir of experience these individuals possess, a valuable asset they yearn to share and impart to the next generation.

In contrast, we encounter Craig, a 23-year-old Graphic Designer, with notable skills, who is relatively young in his career. Having attended art school and boasting a portfolio that fills him with pride, Craig struggles with the perception that his age relegates him to mundane tasks rather than meaningful design work. Frustrated, he expresses his yearning for an opportunity to showcase his skill sets, asserting that his older colleagues may not comprehend the latest tools and technologies as well as he does, given his recent graduation from art school with a specialized degree. The slow adaptation to newer technologies by his older co-workers leaves him feeling misunderstood, and he believes that his youthful age hinders him from being taken seriously in his professional endeavors.

Then there's Jamie, a 31-year-old Content Producer, navigating the delicate middle ground. He is keenly aware of the tensions between younger and older generations, finding himself caught in the crossfire. Jamie, with considerable experience in content production, senses a barrier preventing advancement into a Vice President role due to age. Despite being well-versed in contemporary trends, Jamie expresses the perpetual challenge of feeling inadequate — lacking the knowledge to ascend to higher positions while also struggling to keep up with the younger peers who seem perpetually one step ahead. This leaves Jamie with a sense of disconnect on both sides, unable to fully relate to either the experienced professionals or the innovative newcomers.

Irrespective of their positions in their respective career journeys, a common yearning emerges— the eagerness to learn, grow, and be acknowledged. The trap of making assumptions based on age becomes evident; a younger individual may appear outspoken as a coping mechanism to be noticed, while an experienced worker may feel overlooked and unappreciated. The crux lies in understanding these distinct perspectives. Ageism manifests in myriad forms, and as compassionate individuals, we urge readers to delve into the intricacies of others' perspectives, fostering a workplace environment where understanding and empathy prevail.

As a staffing company, our commitment is unwavering in treating all candidates with respect, free from age-based discrimination. We recognize and celebrate the inherent value each candidate brings to the table, often serving as a bridge to connect candidates with clients who may struggle to identify the right talent, transcending conventional metrics such as years of experience. We are here to help with your hiring needs. Contact us today to be connected with a member of our recruitment team.



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