3 Lessons From West Point: Great Leaders Know How To Listen

By Don Yaeger | April 6, 2017

West Point
© Provided by Forbes Media LLC

Last week I made my sixth visit to West Point, which has to be the world’s best leadership learning academy. I was there in the role of senior fellow, invited to share insights about different approaches to effective leadership. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about this beautiful, bucolic corner of the Hudson River Valley, it’s that inspiration is a two-way river. In fact, I learned MORE about leadership during the summit than I imparted. And through all the dynamic discussion about team building and governance, one particular exercise really stood out.

At the beginning of the very first day we—the senior and student fellows combined—were brought to the campus auditorium to learn leadership lessons from the peerless West Point band. The seating was arranged in a peculiar way. Each band musician sat next to two empty chairs, which we guests were asked to fill. Thus arranged, we each ended up with a band member next to, in front of and behind us. In other words, we were embedded with the world famous United States Military Concert Band.

Positioned within this uniquely talented group of musicians I learned three major lessons.

The first lesson was about the deleterious effects that a team leader’s micromanagement style can have on a talented cadre of employees.

We sat and observed as the band began to play a rousing score. But before long the director interrupted the band’s play, repeatedly. He kept stopping in order to focus on what one of his cymbalists was doing. More specifically, he took issue with the type of mallet (there is an array that can be used, believe it or not) the cymbalist was using to make a single sound as the band played. The constant start/stopping was harmful to the synergy of the musicians and the sonorous piece they were attempting to play. And the cymbalist got frustrated at being repeatedly singled out. Basically, if you focus too much on one team member, the entire unit is negatively affected.

As one musician put it, “when you micromanage us we give you exactly what you want. And nothing more! You get the bare minimum. When you back off, we listen more to our colleagues and we can play off of each other.” That’s when the magic can happen. The unexpected. And that’s when I realized the crux of the matter. A leader who is a micro-manager effectively squashes his team’s burgeoning creativity, guaranteeing degradation of motivation and performance. Or as they put it: “When you micromanage, you display a lack of trust in your team and you effectively suck the energy out of the room.”

We have to let go a bit, and let the members of our team stretch their wings in order to get more harmonious results. I don’t at all mean by this that we should give everyone free rein. That can spell disaster. But when you’ve put a team of truly talented players together, they can develop a certain chemistry if you give them space and a degree of autonomy. And the results can be truly astonishing, rather than simply passable.

The second lesson was more dramatic.

They grabbed a student, thrust her in front of the entire band, and handed her the director’s baton. “These folks are all as good as they get. Now lead them,” she was told. It was trial-by-fire and, unfortunately, it’s a scenario that is played out all too often in professional work environments. We take somebody who is really good in their space, as this student was, and put them somewhere else because they are talented. Here’s the baton, take it and lead. No training. No preparation. Do it.

While that person may eventually become a good leader, setting her up to fail because she is not prepared can lead to psychological and professional damage. And in fact, at the end of the trial, the student said, “I had power I didn’t deserve because I had no experience.” Too often we put people whom we have not properly trained or prepared in leadership roles, simply because they are talented. Huge mistake.

The third lesson was the most potent for me.

When I first sat down it was in the bugles-and-high-winds section (think oboe or clarinet), with the drums right behind me. When we were instructed to move to another part of the room I ended up beside a piccolo player, whose music I had not heard at all in my original seating position. And, I’ve got to say, sitting there I found out just how loud a piccolo can be! But the point that was driven home was how powerful a change of perspective can be. And that we all need to move around to be able to gain the perspectives of others. When we can put ourselves in others’ shoes we develop a greater appreciation of them (and us) and a much clearer understanding of all that we can accomplish. Too often we end stay in our space, and just never leave it.

Listening to the West Point Band play these powerful musical pieces and interact as they practiced, I learned how to become a better leader.

I saw clearly that for us to make great music together we must first learn to listen. For a business team to be synchronized, harmonious and successful, its leader has to get to know the different players—their positions and potential and limitations—and understand how they can best operate as a cohesive unit.

Or as Colin Powell put it, “The best information is from the front line.” It’s not about sitting in your office and crunching numbers and data points, and waiting. It’s about going out there and listening and learning, getting your intel directly from your employees and your customers.

Thank You West Point!


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